Published by Jean-Christophe Dufayet on

Etude Covid Wizzcad

WIZZCAD study: construction players worried and ready to go digital to protect their margins

What are the issues that construction professionals are concerned about? To what extent is the crisis calling into question the financial health of their companies? Do they manage to comply with the new health regulations? Are their productivity and margins impacted?

WIZZCAD wanted to gauge the pulse of construction players, in partnership with the polling institute Poll&Roll, on the impact of this long and unknown crisis.

What our survey reveals is, first of all, that nearly one professional out of two feels that they will not be able to catch up before the end of the year and the majority find the sanitary procedure difficult to implement on the building site. One significant statement is that 55% of respondents note that these new requirements have a negative impact on their margins and 86% consider that they are no more efficient than they were before the crisis.

Delays that will not be caught up, lower margins, but a constant or higher workload, a combination that explains why 31% of companies are worried about the sustainability of their business.

The digitalization of the industry is speeded up by the crisis

Interviewed on their axes of improvement, construction professionals consider that the first 3 leverages on their productivity, and thus on their margins, are in priority order:

  • Greater collaboration and remote control between workers on the same site;
  • Faster distribution and better traceability of documents related to each site;
  • Fewer errors on building sites.

For each of these areas of improvement, digital has a key role to play and more than half of the professionals in the industry are aware of this, since 54% of them believe that digital is a good way of leveraging these areas.

However, the sector is still insufficiently digitalized, with only 25% of survey respondents stating that they use digital technology to improve their productivity. But the health crisis should accelerate the digitalization of the sector since 32% of the professionals questioned stated that they have used or plan to use a digital solution since the beginning of the current crisis.

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